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What Is Manifestation Magic?

 Binaural Beats

Manifestation Magic utilizes Neuro-Linguistic Programming audio tracks that reinforces your powerful subconscious mind to work for you rather than against you! It's NLP focuses primarily on promoting ones wealth, success, and well being. We use the modern technology of binaural beats to tune your brain into specific brainwave frequencies, one that will allow your deep subconscious mind absorb new positive beliefs about wealth and well being.

 Your Subconscious Mind

The heavy influence that the subconscious mind imposes on your daily lives is often overlooked because it's operations are below the surface level of the conscious awareness. Shocking new studies revealed that on average we operate straight from our subconscious mind up to 95% of times throughout the day! Mainly because we as humans spend so much time of the day thinking using up our conscious mind, that subconscious mind has been taking control in the background and running your life for you! Your subconscious mind can process up to 20,000,000 bits of data per second, compared to the conscious minimal 40 bits per second. With that much processing power your subconscious mind navigates through the external world, processing like a supercomputer, every little bits of data within the scope of your awareness, and deciding for you life decisions that'll attract unto you, circumstances that is within the parameters of your subconscious programmings. This is one aspect of the Law of Attraction; as your conscious mind is lost in thoughts all day, your subconscious mind constantly runs it's programs and is always attracting things that is in alignment with your beliefs and programmings like a self fulfilling prophecy.
The big problem with most people these days is that they are filled with so much negative programs and beliefs. Ones acquired especially from childhood, whether they be beliefs of lack because of substandard livings, or disempowering beliefs of unworthiness because of years of guilt and shame.This is why many people struggle with happiness in life because they are constantly stuck in a loop of negative beliefs. Our audio track program targets those negative beliefs and replaces them day by day with new empowering ones that'll change your life dramatically!

 Full Guide On Manifesting

Our audio program includes an in depth guide that'll navigate you step by step throughout the multiple soundtracks included in the package. All you do is enjoy the soothing soundtrack couple times a day and began to feel the shift in mindset and mood that'll accelerate your manifestations. Try out this offer with your money back guaranteed if you're not satisfied with your results!

Benefits Of Manifestation Magic!

Restore Peace Of Mind
 Positive subliminal messages peel away all the multiple layers of negative programmings giving you a restored mental state.
Alleviates Negative Energy
Complete shift in energy as your mind will be newly conditioned for higher frequencies.

Optimizes Subconscious Mind

NLP is the newest trend in neuroscience and is a holistic approach to optimizing brain health and function.
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